So I am just a guy you see who has done a lot of things the wrong way, figured out what does work, what doesn’t and ya. Here is some of the data on stuff I want away from my science page for … Well who wants to hear about thepenisprofessor.com on a science page right?
The PenisProfessor.com
Penis enlargement made simple.
The PenisProfessor.com finally released the medical and scientific know how for what makes a penis grow. The video below goes into a lot of this.
This is another video I made showing with my penis how to perform one of these exercises... It is super age restricted, like YouTube wont even let me embed it anymore.
But in short your job in proofing this info is to look up the following.
A) The penis is an erectile tissue.
B) Erectile tissue is a form of cardiovascular/vascular tissue.
C) People with ED are often found to have Vascular/cardiovascular issues to further prove this link.
D) Vascular/Cardiovascular tissues grow when subjected to increased blood flow and pressure (hormones help but its the pressure and blood flow that make it work).
E) ThePenisProfessor.com has put togeather all the best exercises and routines for you and charge less then the other guys. The reason the scamsters who have ripped us all off hate them so much is once we get with this program we get results. No pills/creams/gadgets or other expensive nonworking bs.
So now you have all the free info on this I can give you and all the facs you can prove yourself. Again, the direct link to these guys is ThePenisProfessor.com.
Extra info
Site Layout, you will find the members area is pretty straight forward, (1) start here, (2) workouts - and (3) problems.
Thepenisprofessor has put a bit of info on each of these pages (maybe an hours worth of reading each page with lots of short videos covering what they are talking about directly) but they have a little orange button on the bottom right that shows up when you start scrolling down that moves you up or down the page to the spot with all the page links, personally I recommend you just read each page top to bottom. A lot of what is in there probably wont apply to you but it is all good stuff to know when you are trying to grow your dick - example, if you dont know about curvature correction, you may give your self an unwanted curve, so do pay it mind.
Other Stuff to Look at

coming soon...
New stuff comming soon!
Fun for my Followers
Just for fun I have hidden videos all across YouTube covering all sorts of stuff, you will know its me as you can see my face in these videos - If you find them and tell me I will make them visible on the next page for everyone to see.
Can you find them all?
The Hunt
Well I am sure you noticed I have been off for a very long time and for that I am sorry. But please understand I am not doing this for money so it is more of a hobby to me, going around finding what works and pointing people too it.
How does that saying go? "Once you find your wallet you stop looking for it", so sad to say I am a "got miner" and now that I have grown my penis and got past all the bs sites selling stuff that does not work I have more or less put the whole penis enlargement thing on the back burner.
So ya I do not really plan on coming back to hit up on this topic any more, I mean I may make fun of the people trash talking thepenisprofessor down the road as they are so obveously lying and trying to sell stuff (and as they screw with people for the $$$, I will screw with them for the luls, join me some time it can be a lot of fun!) but it has been fun and I have my life to live.
OH! I wont take this little blog down as I am sure some other people will want to find this golden goose and get results without having to lose a few grand like I did, so if you find this congrats, and remember to ask a question as you look around at other peoples reviews like "why do all the people who hate on thepenisprofessor, promote each other and all sell the same product... It is almost like 1 guy with several sites selling the same scam am I right? : )
See you if I see you, have fun ou there!